On getting access to www.sethassociates.com, you hereby declare to strictly abide by the terms and conditions set out below and the privacy policy published on the website.
All charges and availability of services are subject to change without prior notice at the sole discretion of www.sethassociates.com.
All rights of the entire material published on this website, including but not limited to audio, video, electronic, multimedia, photographic, and written forms are owned and reserved by Seth Associates.
You may not exploit any material from this website in any way i.e. copy, reproduce, sell, publish, display, distribute, perform, modify, create works derivative of, or in any other form without the express written consent of Seth Associates.
You may request permission for publishing, licensing, or for any other use of any material published on this website from Seth Associates. To seek permission, write to Seth Associates on email or drop a request letter to the firm address with your contact details, the material you would like to use and description about the purpose of use. The firm reserves the right to deny or withdraw permission, for any reason, for use of any material published on this website.
In cases whereby a visitor visits the website for certain services, he/she is to register him/herself, and agree with terms and conditions set out on this page. Each registration is meant for a single individual user only. Your individual account User name and Password to access these services will be created and you will be asked to enter when required.
In continuation to this, we do not permit any of the following:
1. User Name and Password being shared by any other person.
2. Access through a single User name and Password being made available to multiple users on a network. Infringement from any one will lead to the cancellation of the access rights immediately without notice. sethassociates.com shall at its sole discretion terminate your account without any prior notice, without being liable for any clarification.
There is no provision of refund/return in any circumstance whatsoever.
sethassociates.com declares that the content may not be taken as an advice and is not responsible in case any visitor rests his decision on the basis of the content displayed under sethassociates.com.Users agree not to perform any illegal acts on website and the firm disclaims any liability for acts of users/third parties in relation to content on website or otherwise.
sethassociates.com shall have no liability to you for any interruption or delay in access to the website irrespective of the cause/s.
Incase firm suspects illegal user activity , firm reserves the right to cancel the contract with user fithwith and cease rendering any services to such user.
The Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of India. The Courts of law at Delhi/New Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising under this agreement.
These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter.